The global warming and the consequent climatic changes have been mostly attributed to the emissions in the atmosphere of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) deriving from anthropic activities such as combustion of fossil fuels, agricultural activities and modifications of use of soils; waste dispersion in the environment; intensive use of non-sustainable industrial processes.
A judicious exploitation of Earth’s resources requires their sustainable management through the development and application of innovative biotechnological processes that guarantee a low environmental impact of human activities.
The progressive integration of agricultural and environmental policies makes necessary to train a new figure of Biotechnologist, capable of assessing the effects of climate change on the environment and on primary agricultural production and at the same time capable of setting new, economical and industrial models for eco-sustainable agricultural and industrial activities.
The Master Course Biotechnology for environmental management and sustainable agriculture (BIO-EMSA) aims at training Biotechnologists capable of understanding the complex processes related to climate change and capable of managing and developing ecologically sustainable agricultural and industrial processes.
For training this new professional figure, a multidisciplinary training path has been designed, which comprises a significant number of laboratory activities. In particular, the Master Course BIO-EMSA will provide students with the technical and scientific skills needed for:
• interpreting, at molecular and cellular level, the effects of climate change on biological systems, particularly those of agricultural and forestry interest,
• developing and managing eco-compatible and sustainable farming activities aimed at crop and livestock production,
• designing and developing new biotechnological products by means of eco-compatible bioprocesses.
Headquarters and facilities
Administrative headquartes:
DAGRI – Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry
Università degli Studi di Firenze - UniFI - p.iva | cod.fiscale 01279680480
Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 - 50144 Firenze - Tel. +39 055 2755600
posta certificata: dagri(AT)
Reception building via Maragliano 77
Others, see on web site School of Agriculture [link ]
Statutes and regulations
Master Course | Master Course |
Name in Italian | Biotecnologie per la gestione ambientale e l’agricoltura sostenibile |
Name in English | BIOtechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture (BIO-EMSA) |
Class | LM-7 |
curriculum | NO |
Duration (years) | 2 |
Teaching regulations (in Italian): | Ordinamento didattico: 2017 Regolamenti didattici: 2019, 2018, 2017 |
Administrative headquarter | DAGRI |
Associated Departments | |
Website | |
Poster, Brochure and Video | See at this page |
President of the Master Course | Roberto De Philippis |
Vice-President | Donatella Paffetti |
Secretary | Donatella Paffetti |
Tutors | Liliana Rodolfi, Stefania Tegli |
Teaching Committee | Arianna Buccioni, Roberto De Philippis, Donatella Paffetti, Stefania Tegli, Anna Pedroncelli |
Committee for quality control | President: Roberto De Philippis, Member and Quality Manager: Donatella Paffetti, Member – Stefano Biricolti, Member– Stefania Tegli, Member (student) Serena Benedetta Cabigliera |
Steering Committee |
Associazione Nazionale Biotecnologi Italiani (Maurizio Bettiga) Teaching representatives: Roberto De Philippis, Donatella Paffetti, Arianna Buccioni, Stefania Tegli |
Delegate for administrative management of students | Donatella Paffetti |
Delegate for training stages | Stefano Biricolti |
Delegate for students’ guidance | Roberto De Philippis |
Delegate for study plans | Roberto De Philippis, Alessandra Adessi |
Delegate for Erasmus Programme, training stages abroad and for internationalization | Stefania Tegli |
Quality manager | Donatella Paffetti |
Web Responsible | Riccardo Bozzi |
Webmaster | Antonio Pellanda |
Elected representatives of students | Serena Benedetta Cabigliera; Anna Pedroncelli |
Get enrolled
To be enrolled in the MSc it is required a three years university degree (or equivalent) and to have specific curriculum (see Requirements for accessing the Master course). Before to apply you need an allowance (nulla osta, form available on internet, to be filled and sent at the Students Secretary of the School ).
The specific committee will decide within 30 days and send the approval that must be attached to the applying form, or it might recognize a number of exams that have to be passed before application. Further information are available in the following link and in the Regulations of the course.
See the page on UNIFI website
Requirements for accessing the Master course
The Master course BIO-EMSA can be accessed by graduates in the triennial Course in Biotechnology (Class L-2, DM 270/04, former Class 1 DM 509/99) of all the Italian Universities, without the need of any integration in CFU. BIO-EMSA can also be accessed by graduates in other technical and scientific triennial Courses who, after a control of the CFUs acquired in Italy or abroad, will be recognized as eligible by the Board of Professors of the Master Course.
The Board will determine case by case the number of CFUs valid among those already acquired and the possible curricular integrations needed for accessing the Master Course.
The Regulations of BIO-EMSA require that the graduates have acquired 45 CFUs in topics typical of environmental and biotechnological training.
On the basis of the Regulations of the triennial Courses currently underway at Florence University, these requirements are generally met by the Courses belonging to classes:
- L-25 (Agricultural and Forestry Sciences),
- L-26 (Food Technology);
- L-38 (Wild Life Sciences),
- L - 13 (Biological Sciences)
- L - 27 (Chemical Sciences and Technologies)
For further information, please refer to the Regulations of BIO-EMSA. Admission to the course is subject to a good knowledge of English (level B2)
To graduate
See the page on UNIFI website
After the degree
Postgraduates can continue the training path with a Doctorate or with one of the many second level master courses available at the University of Florence (see the information on the page Programmes)
Job opportunities
- Agricultural enterprises interested in developing eco-sustainable crop and livestock productions
- Biotechnology companies operating in the production of bioenergy and biomolecules by means of low environmental impact bioprocesses.
- Biotechnology companies operating in eco-sustainable waste management and nutrient recycling.
- Companies involved in the treatment and recovery of degraded or polluted environments.
- European Agencies and National Authorities responsible for drawing up regulations for the eco-sustainable management of crop and livestock production and regulations for patenting biotechnological products and processes.
- Universities and research institutes operating in the fields of environmental and agricultural biotechnology.
- Public and private laboratories operating in the environmental control.
- Italian, European and International Agencies, and NGOs working in the field of the environmental protection
Graduates in the Master Course BIO-EMSA will be eligible to enroll in the Italian Directory of Doctors in Biotechnology (Albo Associativo dei Biotecnologi - ANBI) and can apply for participating in the state examinations for accessing the Professional Directory of Doctors in Agronomy and Forestry (Albo degli Agronomi e Forestali), section A, and for accessing the Professional Directory of Doctors in Biology (Albo dei Biologi), section A.
See other information on the webpage Job Placement and Careers
Complaints and comments
If you have any complaint or comment, please write to the President of the Master Course BIO-EMSA or use the webpage of the School of Agriculture