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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie per la Gestione Ambientale e l'Agricoltura sostenibile
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Degree Program

Degree plan explication

How to select the optional courses in the study plan

Students are requested to write and submit a study plan for choosing the optional training courses (9 CFU). Instructions are reported in Italian here . Information can also be obtained from the Delegates for study plans Roberto De Philippis and Alessandra Adessi



The students can ask guidance of University tutors. Tutors of the Master Course in Biotechnology for environmental management and sustainable agriculture (BIOEMSA) are:
Liliana Rodolfi
Stefania Tegli



The Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Florence offers periodical courses of several languages, including Italian for Foreigners.  These include laboratories and meetings with mother tongue professors and students.



The students can apply for  EU scholarships within Erasmus+ project, to attend study and training periods abroad, including thesis

The School of Agriculture has agreements with 25 European Countries.  Also scholarships for Extra European Countries can be available. Both scholarships are given on the base of an annual call.

Delegate for Internationalization and Erasmus Programme: Stefania Tegli



According to Italian National law D.Lgs. 81/08, any student must attend the training course on safety in working places and to pass the exam. Courses are periodically organized by the University of Florence (see the webpage Ateneo Sicuro)



The students of the Master Course in Biotechnology for environmental management and sustainable agriculture (BIOEMSA) must perform before the conclusion of their study path an internship in public or private research laboratories or in companies for a period corresponding to 3 CFU.

The Delegate of the Master Course BIOEMSA for the stages is Donatella Paffetti


International students

University of Florence has a webpage dedicated to the International Students


Summer School

The Master Course in Biotechnology for environmental management and sustainable agriculture (BIOEMSA) every year organizes a Summer School in the first week of September dedicated to deepening one or more topics consistent with the objectives of the Course.

Summer School 2019
Summer School 2018



The Master Course in Biotechnology for environmental management and sustainable agriculture (BIOEMSA) periodically organizes Seminars inviting International and National researchers in the fields of interest of the students of the Master Course.

The Seminars are announced in the webpage of the Master Course. See the Seminars so far organized in 2018 e 2019

last update: 02-Aug-2019
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